
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Tteokbokki/Topokki (Spicy Korean Rice Cakes) Recipe

Tteokbokki, Teokbokki, ddeokbokki, topokki or dukboki, all refer to a very famous Korean street snack - Hot and spicy rice cakes.


Allow me to declare my love for this humble looking dish;

1. It's chewy. I love all things chewy. Share my passion for the chewy at Red Bean Mochi RecipeSoft baked Chewy Dark Chocolate Cookies RecipeTopshell Salad RecipeGreen Tea Mochi Cakes with Red Bean recipeChewy Subway Chocolate Chips Cookies Recipe.

2. It is almost a meal in itself even though its considered a street snack. If you are hungry, throw in some cooked Korean Ramen/instant noodles and you get Rabokki - the ultimate comfort food combo!!

3. It is simple to make. You need some good Korean red pepper paste/Gochujang, dried kelp and anchovies to make good stock. Don't forget your rice cakes and all else is optional.

4. It's chewy. I was sure I didn't mention it as my first point... :p

(serves 2-3)

200g store bought rice cakes (I used half a pack)
200ml water
A quarter cube of anchovy stock (You can use real anchovies instead)
A small bunch of dried kelp
1.5 tbsp Korean red pepper paste/Gochujang
0.5 tbsp Korean red pepper flakes (You can increase if you like it really spicy)
Oden/Japanese processed fish cakes (Optional)
Boiled egg (Optional)

1. Bring to boil water, anchovy stock and dried kelp.

2. Add in rice cakes, red pepper paste, red pepper flakes, oden and egg. Cook for about 10 minutes and it's ready to serve.

If you are living in Singapore and thinking of where to get oden, you can get a pack of frozen ones from Giant hypermart. This pack costs $6.50 and you will only need half a pack for the serving size above.

You can always throw away the kelp but its healthy and its also good with the sauce, actually everything's good with this sauce.

I made this several times, sometimes throwing in homemade kimchi (recipe to come soon...), oden, boiled egg, etc. Improvise with whatever you have in your pantry.

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