
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Apple Crumble Tart Recipe

Having bought a new tart pan recently, I couldn't wait to try it out! This 20cm tart pan with removable base was bought from Bake King's outlet in Haig Road for $14.90 (if I remember correctly). They did not have a big range for me to choose from; another option being a 23cm tart pan with removable base going at $8-ish. Personally, I prefer a smaller pan despite the heftier price tag as I do not want to bake such big portions each time.

Making the tart is relatively easy but having proper time management and knowing when to do what will help to speed things up. The tart base has to be frozen at least twice and the apples need to be sautéed for 20-30 minutes. I took reference for tart base from joyofbaking and adapted apple fillings and crumble from smallsmallbaker!

(makes a 20cm tart pan)


Tart base
190g plain flour
110g unsalted butter (cut into small cubes)
30g white sugar
Pinch of salt (omit if using salted butter)
1 large egg, spilt into (A) 1 tablespoon of egg white reserved for brushing and (B) 1 egg yolk and remaining egg white

Apple filling
3 apples, peeled, cored and diced (I used granny smith apples)
3 tablespoons brown sugar
25g unsalted butter
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 tablespoon corn flour/starch

Crumble topping
100g plain flour
30g brown sugar
60g unsalted butter
Dash of cinnamon (optional)


1. Make the tart base. Mix flour, sugar and salt together. Rub in butter with fingertips until bread-crumbs like texture forms. Add in beaten egg (A) and combine crumbs into dough. Knead dough several times. Flatten dough into disk and wrap in cling wrap. Place in freezer for 10 minutes.

2. Make the crumble topping. Mix flour, sugar and cinnamon. Rub in butter with fingertips until bread-crumbs like texture forms. Leave in bowl and keep in fridge until ready for use.

3. Take out dough from freezer and remove cling wrap. Place on tart pan and flatten dough to cover base and sides. Try to create a base of consistent thickness and there should be no holes or gaps. Prick tart base using a fork. Chill in freezer for 15 minutes.

4. Bake in pre-heated oven at 200 degrees for 10 minutes or until tart base is dry. Brush on thin layer of egg white (B). Leave to cool.

5. Heat saucepan and melt butter. Add in apples, sugar, cinnamon and sauté or 20 minutes until soft. Add in corn flour and mix well. Apples should look glossy and slightly starchy. Leave to cool.

6. Assembly the tart. Cover pre-baked tart base with apples. Scatter on crumble topping. Bake in pre-heated oven for 200 degrees for 30 minutes or until top is golden brown. Leave to cool. To remove tart from pan, with one hand holding onto the base, slide the side off towards your upper arm. Use a thin bladed knife to loosen tart from tart base and transfer to plate/container.


The tart base recipe can be used for other tart recipes, like fruit or chocolate tarts. This serving size can also make a 23cm tart. Using it for a 20cm tart just means that the base is slightly thicker.

You will notice I did not use any weights when baking the tart base. As mentioned by joyofbaking, freezing the tart base before baking in the freezer for 15 minutes prevents the tart from proofing and cracking.

You will also see that I "spilt" my 1 egg. 1 tablespoon of white egg was reserved for brushing the tart base when out from the oven. This helps to seal the tart and prevent the tart from softening (especially important on fruit tarts where there is pastry cream). I don't like wasting another egg just for this sealing purpose. If you find that a hassle, either omit this step completely or use alternative glaze like apricot jam or chocolate.

When handling the tart base, do not over work the dough. Also, instead of pressing out the dough directly inside the pan, you can roll out dough with rolling pin to a circle slightly bigger than the tart base and place dough onto tart pan. Trim off the excess dough and remember to flour your tabletop and rolling pin.

Cooking apples with butter gives the apple filling an extra oomph but if you are watching your diet, feel free to omit the butter and add in some water to prevent the apples from burning

I did not butter my tart pan when making this tart as I was using a non-stick pan. Butter your pan if yours is made of stainless steel.

The apple crumble tart tastes best when its fresh out of oven and served with a scope of vanilla ice cream. If you are storing it in the fridge, warm it in the microwave for about 20 seconds or pop it into the oven. Otherwise, it is delicious cold too.

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