


the moodkitchen is a collection of the recipes of the food I bake and cook. I love recipes which are simple, straight forward, and don't require fancy ingredients. These principles are reflected in the recipes I post.

As the name of the blog goes, I make food which I crave for. I also make a conscious effort to make healthier food; reduced sugar, salt and oil.


My baking journey started in 2012 when I bought a 30L Toyomi oven on discount at a hypermart. I also have a stand-mixer of the same brand. With these two trusty tools, I have baked cupcakes, cakes, tarts and breads. I'm self-taught and get inspiration from other food bloggers and baking books which I borrow frequently from the library. I work full-time but I try to bake at least twice a week. Baking is my new-found hobby and I would love to commit to it full-time one day.

I am new to the world of food blogging and I try to create content which is easily to understand and follow. I welcome all feedback and suggestions so don't hesitate to drop me an email or comment!

Email me
Follow me (Instagram) @simplysminty #themoodkitchen

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