
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Apple Cream Cheese Cupcake Recipe

It's one of those lazy days where I didn't have a particular recipe I wanted to try out and neither was I craving for something specific. But I do know I have an odd block of cream cheese lying around in my fridge and basic cake ingredients on hand so...

Spicy Chilli Dip Recipe

I remember when I was younger, my mother used to make spicy foods to build up my tolerance for chilli. My brother and I would be given small ice cubes to suck on whenever the food gets too hot. It was like a pseudo-ice cream treat and today, I am proud to say I am a chilli lover.

If you are a chilli lover too, chances are you would agree with me that most things go well with chilli. It doesn't have to be overwhelmingly spicy - sometimes all you need is that touch of spice and to balance out the flavours.