
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Hazelnut Cookies Recipe

Common pastries for CNY are Pineapple tarts, almond cookies, peanut cookies, etc. But let's break free from that and attempt a non-traditional bake - Hazelnut cookies.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Almond Cookies Recipe

A few more days to CNY and the frantic baking starts... Ok not really, this recipe is so easy that you can yield lovely cookies in an 1h flat.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Pineapple Tarts Recipe

*cue festive music, the most traditional of them all...

Dong dong dong chiang, dong dong dong chiang, dong dong dong chiang dong chiang dong chiang

Now that I have set the scene, you probably realise that this is a post related to Chinese New Year. And yes, it is coming and to be more exact, there are 8 more days to go.

To me CNY is all about the food. This is the only time in the year where I forget my waist-line and just eat (and eat and eat and eat). There is your traditional steamboat, Pen Cai (盆菜)... and definitely plenty of baked treats. Pineapple tarts, almond biscuits, peanut biscuits, etc.

The festive cheer is here and as an avid baker, I should be elated, excited, over the moon! Well, truth is, not quite...

Banana Cupcakes Recipe

There are some recipes which you would constantly to refine to achieve a better taste or one that is to your liking. This is one of them - banana cake recipe.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Strawberry Custard Tarts Recipe

Going in for the quick-win, I present you strawberry custard tarts. These are great for parties, afternoon tea and best of all, easy-peasy to make. All you have to do is to make basic tart shells, fill them up with custard and top it off with a sliced strawberry!

Sweet Potato Latte (Goguma Latte) Recipe

In my trip to Korea early last year, I chanced upon Sweet Potato Latte (Goguma Latte) at Hollys. It is the company’s signature drink, a 445-kcal hot drink made with milk, sweet potatoes and almonds. The weather was still chilly then and the tasty drink made me all warm and fuzzy.

I miss Hollys, I miss my goguma latte and I want a Hollys franchise! Or someone else bring Hollys to Singapore. But since I don't know when that might be and with my craving chewing me inside out, the only way left is to recreate the drink.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Matcha Azuki (Green Tea Red Bean) Chiffon Cake Recipe

First post of 2014! Ok, not exactly as this post has been on backlog for about a month. I haven't been that busy, especially towards the end of 2013 - I am merely a procrastinator. If you check out my Instagram account, (@themoodkitchen or #themoodkitchen) and you will see I am still diligently baking and cooking away. Fret not, the recipes will come! (soon enough... :P)

Before I launch into the post proper, I would like to wish all readers a very happy 2014!

A new year, bringing forth not necessarily new beginnings, but a continuation of never-ending challenges. May we all surmount each and every one of them with great courage and success.