
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Checkered Cake Recipe

I love basics - a sponge cake when done well is utterly delicious. Which is also why I am always on a search for the perfect sponge cake recipe. There are many recipes out there but the key is finding what works best for you both in terms of methodology and taste.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Cranberry Cheesecake Recipe

It's been a whole month since my last entry as the past month has been hectic. I planned for a week long trip to Taiwan with my friends right smack in the middle of the month so I was busy clearing work before and after that. Taiwan was lovely and I absolutely loved the food, culture, people. We also took the off-beaten track and visited places which are quaint and memorable. I would post up our carefully planned itinerary one day, but in the meantime, let's settle for an easy no-bake cheesecake recipe - Cranberry cheesecake!